Thursday, February 02, 2006

BritBlog...what is that all about?

My application to list this blog on the has been rejected! They tell me that before I get annoyed I should read their conditions of submission. I read them and can't understand what the issue is. This site is not under construction, it is not commercial, neither is it pornographic nor anythingelse it shouln't be. But it's a personal site which is one of the categories that are allowed.

Maybe, they say, you don't have enough posts, post some more and try again....on other parts of the site they are very encouraging to everyone to add to their website. And who but the novice blogger will bother? Come to think of it why do I bother? Because I wanted to share my site with as many people as possible. In fact, I checked other recently listed sites and some of them have as few postings as I have...

This is all fine. And if this was all what they said, I would be sour grapes for writing about it. Then I see another reason in their rejection email: 'It may be that we could not establish if you were British or not'...Now that's interesting. Nowhere in their site it says that you have to be British. I thought to live in the UK was sufficient. Besides I do have dual nationality. To top it, to get a British passport, I had to swear allegiance to the Queen, which is more than those who are born British have to do.

You know, despite the weather, I like this country. It's been good to me and I've been good to it. But their email and reasoning pissed me off. What more does one have to do to be British? Maybe I should have said I had dual nationality in my didn't occure to me. Maybe there in lies the problem. In any case I am going to remove the link to Brit blog. They can stuff it.

Having written the above, I've checked which is a listing site for blogs by Turks. They haven't put my listing up either. I'll give them a couple more days - things are slower over there.

But maybe (and this doesn't bare thinking about) the reason that neither the British nor the Turkish blog listing sites accept me is because after all these years of living in Britain, I am still not British and neither am I Turkish anymore....aaargh....

The good news is the site is up on the London blog listing....which confirms what I've come to suspect: London is a place for those who don't belong anywhere else anymore (or never belonged anywhere ever). Sad? No, come the morning I'll find a good angle to see all this from. Now (having been out enjoying good company and good wine) I am going to bed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need a venus blog i reckon