Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Have you seen the new Ang Lee film Brokeback Mountain?

I have and loved it. The scenery swept me away. I was mesmerised by the vulnerability of Ennis and the corners of Jake's mouth. The fact that the characters are two gay man was neither here nor there. It's not a gay western....it's a love story in the widest definition of the word love....or at least that's how I saw it.

I sobbed for the last 10 minutes of the film. But as the credits rolled, what I was left with was the beautiful memory of that innocent belief in true love which I realised I had lost over the years amidst all those meaningless relationships I entered knowingly and with false hopes and all that talk of the possibility of finding that special person. I now remember that the key to experience such a strong and pure love is not simply to meet the right person but to trust love enough to let yourself feel it. I will do my best to never forget it again.

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