Tuesday, January 24, 2006

This is the Dr Seuss book that inspired me

Oh the Thinks You Can Think!

You can think up some birds. That's what you can do.
You can think about yellow or think about blue...
You can think about red. You can think about pink.
You can think up a horse. Oh, the THINKS you can think!
Oh, the THINKS you can think up if only you try!
If you try, you can think up a guff going by.
You can think about gloves. You can think about snuvs. You can think a long time about snuvs and their gloves.
Oh the THINKS you can think!
Think of Peter the Postman who cross the ice once every day - and on Saturdays, twice.
THINK! Think a ship. Think up a long trip. Go visit the Vipper, the Vipper of Vipp.
There are so many THINKS that a thinker can think!
Would you dare yank a tooth of the rink-rinker-fink?
And left! Think of left! And think about Beft. Why is it that beft always go tot he left?
And why is it so many things go to the right?
You can think about that until Saturday night.
Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh , the THINKS you can think up if only you try!


Anonymous said...

one of my favourite books was green eggs and ham. i do not like greeen eggs and ham, i do not like them sam i am....

zeo said...

heeeyyyy, the very first comment received. THANK YOU!